السبت - 08 فبراير 2025
السبت - 08 فبراير 2025

«السترات الصفراء» .. اعتقالات بالمئات وتضامن في بلجيكا وألمانيا مع المحتجين

«السترات الصفراء» .. اعتقالات بالمئات وتضامن في بلجيكا وألمانيا مع المحتجين

Protestors wearing "Yellow vests" (gilets jaunes) clash with riot police amid tear gas near the Champs Elysees in Paris on December 8, 2018 during a protest of against rising costs of living they blame on high taxes. - Paris was on high alert on December 8 with major security measures in place ahead of fresh "yellow vest" protests which authorities fear could turn violent for a second weekend in a row. (Photo by Lucas BARIOULET / AFP)